Throughout our youth, we benefit from an ample supply of collagen and elastin, making our skin supple and taut. Over time, these essential skin nutrients start to decrease, making the skin lose volume. This causes fine lines and sagging skin. If you want to increase your complexion's firmness with noninvasive techniques, we may recommend RF (radiofrequency) skin tightening at Mashpee Family Medicine. Using state-of-the-art Accent Prime technology by Alma, this nonsurgical skin tightening treatment works to increase the natural production of collagen and elastin so you can have tighter, brighter skin. Our medical spa in Mashpee, MA proudly performs RF skin tightening for patients who want to rejuvenate and firm their skin with popular, noninvasive treatments.



Deep creases and lines can make you look much older or more tired than normal. Radiofrequency skin tightening is a nonsurgical way to smooth away these imperfections. Mashpee Family Medicine recommends this treatment to patients who want to enjoy the following benefits:

  • Fat treatment times: Each skin tightening session takes less than an hour, so you can easily incorporate sessions into your lunch break.
  • Shorter recovery period: Because no incisions are made during the treatment, you won't have to deal with any downtime or side effects.
  • Minimal discomfort: You may feel a warm or tingling sensation during skin tightening, but it should not be painful.
  • Noninvasive: This is a great alternative to invasive procedures like facelifts, which require anesthesia and weeks of recovery.


Radiofrequency skin tightening is an excellent alternative to cosmetic surgery for managing mild to moderate signs of aging. Candidates are in generally good health and have noticeable loosening of the skin on areas like the neck, stomach, thighs, and upper arms. However, those with very loose skin may require surgical intervention for optimal outcomes. Patients should be near their ideal body weight prior to RF skin tightening and are willing to commit to a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise to maintain their new, slimmer results.



How much does RF skin tightening cost?

The cost of radiofrequency skin tightening depends on the number of treatments you require to reach your desired goals. At your first appointment, we discuss your cosmetic concerns and develop a unique treatment plan. After we create a treatment plan, we can provide information about the cost of RF skin tightening.

How many treatments will I need to achieve the look I want?

The number of treatments will depend on the initial health of your skin and your goals. During your initial consultation, we will ask about your aesthetic goals, which enable us to determine how many sessions you may need.

Can I have RF skin tightening with other treatments?

Most definitely. We can enhance the results of your RF skin tightening treatments with additional options. Many patients like to receive RF skin tightening with other nonsurgical procedures.

Does RF skin tightening hurt?

At Mashpee Family Medicine, we work hard to ensure that you feel comfortable during your procedure. While most people find that radiofrequency treatments don't hurt, our staff can provide a topical numbing cream to reduce any discomfort and ensure that you have the best possible experience.

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